The automated package sorting I'm told includes dropping packages from
one conveyor belt to another, and stuff can fall up to 6ft (though
more likely when something gets clogged/jammed up and packages fall
off of the conveyor system).

39kg/90lbs is heavy enough that it probably should be
palletized/crated and go freight.

I'd probably pick a postal service, or DHL as my first pick for
shipping ~50lb internationally.


On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 2:30 PM Henk Gooijen via cctalk
<> wrote:
> A few weeks ago I shipped approx 39 kilos from The Netherlands to USA (HP 
> A990).
> At least in Holland, most shippers do not accept such heavy stuff (max 30 
> kilos).
> Only UPS did … and yes, the “horror” stories *are* true. They managed to drop 
> the package.
> Not from 4 inches above ground, but more, because a *steel corner* had a dent!
> I thought I packed it well (enough), but my advice is: using UPS you cannot 
> get it packed well enough ☹
> ________________________________
> Van: cctalk <> namens Steven Stengel via cctalk 
> <>
> Verzonden: Thursday, August 22, 2019 7:31:46 PM
> Aan: Cc <>
> Onderwerp: Shipping from Europe to USA
> How do I ship a 50 pound computer from Europe to the United States? Who has 
> good rates?
> Thanks-
> Steve

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