On Wed, Jan 08, 2020 at 10:17:29AM -0800, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
> Before I go delving into my pile of SCSI X3T10 documentation and interface
> chip datasheets, exactly *which* flavor of SCSI are we talking about here?

Given the reference to the Amiga, almost certainly SCSI-1, i.e. 8 bit wide
single-ended HVD, clocked asynchronously at low single-digit MHz.

The A2091 (and thus presumably the A590) was a pretty hateful controller, but
the main sources of pain were its shoddy firmware and the limited Zorro-II bus
rather than the SCSI interface. Perhaps the third-party GVP controllers swapped
it around so the firmware was great but the SCSI side sucked.

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