Another thing that surfaced recently on my pile is a manila envelope containing 
a big photocopied stack of papers, with a title page saying:

Interfacing the Commodore PET

by Bill Durham, David Paul, and jim Wilman
University of Arkansas.


It’s got about 45 pages of text, interspersed with block diagrams showing chip 
in/out signals and snippets of BASIC code, then a repeat of all that, then a 
copy of the 6502 instruction set and copies of multiple data sheets for various 
integrated circuits.
Thought I identified an interested party on the list, but no response to PM, so 
offering it to all. Free to a Good Home, usual terms, first response unless I 
hear from Al K. before I ship in which case he gets it instead.

                                        - Mark
                                        210-522-6025 office
                                        210-379-4635 cell

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