On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 10:21 PM Antonio Carlini via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> I'm trying to non-destructively open up a MicroVAX 2000.
> I've removed the bottom "dressing" section (which holds some of the I/O
> connectors)  but the next step isn't obvious. None of the manuals I have
> cover dismantling and the net doesn't have an IPB or similar available.
> Other people have managed to get inside (I can see their results) so I
> must be missing something obvious ...

There are four screws on the bottom, two on each side that hold the top
cover on.  Once removed the cover should theoretically slide off (looking
at the front of the unit, pull it toward you), but is often very tight and
will need a bit of coaxing to separate it from the rear panel.

- Josh

> Thanks.
> Antonio
> --
> Antonio Carlini
> anto...@acarlini.com

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