On 05/20/2020 09:22 PM, Jay Jaeger via cctalk wrote:
As I wrote in my last post, but write here for use as a separate thread:

I'd be interesting in hearing from folks what toolsets they have used
for HDL (VHDL in particular).  I started with Xilinx ISE and then
graduated to Vivado for later chipsets - unfortunately, Vivado seems to
be something of a dog, in terms of time to compile HDL and synthesize logic.
Well, I don't use the latest, super fast FPGAs, I go for old standards that are cheap. Right now, I have ise 13.4 installed on Linux, it seems to be stable, quite fast for the small FPGAs I do, and doesn't complain about my coding style. I use mostly Spartan 3 in the XC3S50A(N) sizes. I've done some units with 32-bit counters running at 150 MHz with plenty of margin left, that's fast enough for me. I only use VHDL, although I can read Verilog. (I also use Coolrunner II and XC9500XL devices in some of my products.)


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