On 8/31/2020 7:25 PM, Tom Hunter via cctalk wrote:
Not funny if your prized treasures fall victim to it.

A friend had Western Dynex 10mb drives years ago which were hard to come by.  Equivalent to the RL02's.

He had a test system which could run Microdata Reality as a test station for debugging hardware.

As a matter of course, he'd also had a mouse which he took to feeding peanuts to and it would come out and beg.

One morning he turned on the drive, it loaded, but wouldn't come ready.

Eventually pulled it out and got ready to see what had failed and there were no obvious electrical faults.

On looking closer if you recall on those drives they had very fine 4 wire sleeved wiring to the heads.  Used some flex wire shieldng, but most of the length was in clear vinyl small tubing.

All 4 of them were neatly clipped off and in the bottom of the drive.

Set a rat trap that night, goodby mouse.  I was sad, but that bit cost about $1,500 or so to fix.

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