> On 01/30/2021 11:42 AM Bill Gunshannon via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:

> > Modern Visual Studio and GCC both flag the "=" in a condition, I believe. 
> > But if you're shipping code with 260+ warnings, who would see one more.
> And the problem here is really quite plain and simple.
> Why are you shipping code with any warnings?
The short answer, as I replied earlier, is that they deemed the code too 
fragile to touch.  When I told them I removed the warnings they said to put 
them back or I would likely be fired.

> > There's a pretty good chance the heat pump you're using right now has those 
> > warnings. Alas...
> Just because some other programmer is an idiot doesn't mean I have
> to be.

They only wanted idiots.  So I immediately started looking for another job.  I 
might be an idiot, but I don't want to be associated with the rest of them :-)


"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." -- Albert Einstein

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