But, there have been no verified accounts of giant squid attacks in Wall,
I know Evan is doing a lot of train installation at his house, but I suspect that and the Miata are distractions so we don't see the large pool sized aquarium in the basement.


My house is a bilevel, downstairs/upstairs. No basement.

Also I have nothing to do with this swap meet event. I quit as VCF executive director in December 2019. I wanted to stay involved after that as a regular hobbyist, but then in November 2020 a bunch of the local members decided my contributions over 15 years are irrelevant and I'm not welcome there anymore. That included a bunch of people who I thought were some of my best and most trust "friends". Brace himself dismissed me as someone who "did some good things" as if I was a random dude who helped out now and then. Nevermind that I built that museum from scratch, turned VCF East into a MASSIVE event, increased the group's finances from a single $20 bill in 2006 into an annual budget in the five-figure range, brought VCF West back from the grave, and taught him everything he knows. Other VCF board members and local officers have asked me to come back -- some of them practically begged me -- but I'm not going to, as long as that guy thinks he's in charge (he's not). He is largely responsible for the organization losing a decade's worth of connections, external organizational partnerships/relationships, and institutional memory.

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