On 7/22/21 8:12 AM, Kevin Anderson via cctalk wrote:
>  In response to Chuck Guzis' mentioning that there was more than one design 
> of what was labeled a Compaq "Deskpro" during the time of PIII processors: 
> the series of desktops that I used to have,, and from where the extra boards 
> and drives I have were all pulled, collectively would be called the Deskpro 
> EN series. Here is sample picture found on the web
> https://www.visualalchemy.tv/images/products/671caaf2be654938bd29fd137ed029c4.jpg
> Not all actually desktops I dealt with said "EN" on the nameplate, as I 
> believe there was a brief period early on of Compaq switching over to the new 
> case design before the EN series was completely defined, but the basic case 
> design was all the same with option for tower or on-the-side use. This may 
> better date the likely styles of boards and drives I have. I don't recall any 
> of the original computers at work were of the small form factor version in 
> the same series, although I'd expect the parts involved would have still been 
> similar if they had been.

I checked the label on my box.  On the serial number sticker, it says
"DPENM P600/128/100".   Another label  says "ENP600".  On the rear, it
says Series PD1006.   Has the usual Windows 2000 and Intel inside stickers.

There's a 500 MHz one at RG:


So definitely Compaq EN series, just not the one folks are used to seeing.


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