On 2021-07-30 9:39 p.m., Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:

One of the shortcomings of the MT/ST when compared to word processors is
the lack of a good "mailmerge" option.   You could code a stop code on
the tape, where the typewriter would allow for manual fill-in-the-blanks
operation, but that gets pretty cumbersome when dealing with hundreds of

Superseded by the MC/ST system, the "mag card" Selectric in 1969.  Far
more convenient and better integrated into the typewriter itself (no
separate keypad).  The MC/ST II in 1973 introduced the ability to
"batch" up to 50 cards.

Here's a promo film from the period, narrated by the guy driving his
road yacht with the AM radio and chatting about it.



The MT/ST did pretty good for being a electro-mechanical device,all the logic was relays in it.  I seem to recall many years ago one of the old OP guys telling me that it write in stripes across the tape. It would have to be some very simple format because it would be hard to have the thing sync on headers with only a little relay logic.

The mag card machines had the advantage of by the time it came along electronics was a lot more compact so they could stuff a much more capable controller in the box.  Towards the end of the mag card days there was even a machine that had a daisy wheel typewriter on it.


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