John said
> At 08:24 PM 2/21/2022, Steve Malikoff via cctalk wrote:
>>Consumer-grade CNC stencil cutters are fine at cutting plastic sheet and 
>>should be ok with film stock.
>>My ptap2dxf (latest version 1.3) will produce output to cut tapes for ...
> Meaning the Cricut kind of device?  Clever!  So it works for
> short sections?
> Has anyone ever made a Cricut style cutter that has a continuous feed
> of tape?
> Why did you pick AutoCAD DXF as compared to Adobe Illustrator?

Exactly. Cricut-type devices, although I have not tested it on a Cricut as I 
have a 2016 Silhouette unit. Its
driver software must be capable of importing DXFs though.

The tape length is not limited by the ptap2dxf but the cutting device. So there 
is an option SEGMENT to split
the output pieces into whatever height the cutter can handle on its sticky 
cutting mat, and a further option
PERDXF to specify how many widths of the selected tape to put onto one mat 
before starting a new DXF, ie. carry
across batches of cutting mat size. The sprocket hole can be placed at any 
position if wanted. The pieces are
stuck together after lifting from the mat and 'weeding' the chads, but I've 
found most chads remain on the
sticky mat. It's a slow process, and hundreds of times slower than a real 
punch, but hey.
The accompanying pdf manual on github illustrates how these things are done.

(Actually I just noticed I haven't updated the manual for the Whirlwind and 
other new options - will do so!)

My machine generally uses a 12"x12" mat but can take a 12"x24" one. It can also 
dispense with the mat altogether and
run any continuous length of material but it has to be sufficiently sturdy 
enough for the gripping rollers to do
that, and paper tape is too flexible to be cut without a sticky mat.

DXF is the most basic Lingua Franca of the CAD world, is well understood and is 
very simple. My CNC cutter sofware
(Silhouette Studio) imports DXFs from which the cut is done immediately with no 
further manipulation. I use the free
InkScape to view the DXF's generated.

As I've not updated the doc just yet, here are the latest options in version 
ptap2dxf [inputfilename.ptap]                      (Input ASCII file to be 
punched. Same as --INPUT="/path/to/inputfile")
         [--ASCII]                                 (Show ASCII character 
representation for row on console output)
         [--BANNERFILE=/path/to/bannerfile]        (Generate uppercase punched 
banner in 8x8 font from ASCII file contents)
         [--BANNERTEXT="YOUR TEXT"]                (Generate uppercase punched 
banner in 8x8 font from string)
         [--BAUDOT]                                (convert ASCII characters to 
ITA2 Baudot. Forces 5-level output)
         [--CABLECODE]                             (Generate 2-level Morse tape 
with Cable Code coding (15/32 inch wide))
         [--CHADLESS]                              (Half-punch Teletype Corp 
chadless holes (circa 1975))
         [--CONTROL-CHARS]                         (Show control characters on 
console output)
         [--DRYRUN]                                (Run everything but do not 
generate DXF file(s))
         [--FLIP]                                  (Invert bit pattern. Logical 
         [--GAP=n]                                 (Inter-segment gap in mm 
between each paper segment on CNC cutting mat. Default is 0, ie. shared edges 
with no gap)
         [--HELP]                                  (or ? prints this help)
         [--INPUT=/path/to/inputfile]              (.ptap or any binary or 
ASCII input file. Optional switch, does not need to be given with filename)
         [--JOINER]                                (Make adhesive joiners for 
paper segments)
         [--LEADER=n]                              (Prefix output with blank 
sprocket punch tape in 1/10 inch increments eg. 240 is 2 feet. aka /HEADER=)
         [--LEVEL=n]                               (The number of data bits in 
a row of holes. Default is 8 for byte-width ASCII 8-level. Use 5 for 5-level)
         [--MARK=c]                                (Console output character to 
represent a mark (data bit = 1). Default is 'O'
         [--MIRROR]                                (Reverse the output 
mark/space bit pattern to right-left)
         [--NUMBER=BANNER|LEADER|CODE|TRAILER|ALL] (NOTE: --N defaults to 
number the code lines only)
         [--OUTPUT=/path/to/outputfile.dxf]        (output DXF file)
         [--PARITY=NONE|EVEN|ODD]                  (Parity, if desired. Uses 
MSB ie. leftmost hole. {NONE, EVEN, ODD}. Default is NONE)
         [--PERDXF=n]                              (Fill CNC cutting mat with 
this number of 1 inch wide (for 8-level) segment strips across before starting 
another. 5-level = 11/16 inch)
         [--QUIET]                                 (do not write any console 
         [--RANGE=n,[L [-p] [+-z]]                 (Start generation at byte n 
and run for following length L or previous p or prefix/suffix z bytes)
         [--SEGMENT=n]                             (Length in 0.1 inch 
increments for one vertical-cut paper strip before generating adjacent segment)
         [--SPACE=c]                               (Console output character to 
represent a space (data bit = 0). Default is ' '
         [--SPROCKET=n]                            (Sprocket feed hole 
position. Default is 3 for between 3rd and 4th data bit holes starting from 
         [--TEXT="YOUR TEXT"]                      (Input text string to be 
punched, taken from the command line)
         [--TRAILER=n]                             (Suffix output with blank 
sprocket punch tape in 1/10 inch increments eg. 120 is 1 foot)
         [--VERSION]                               (Version number)
         [--WAIT]                                  (Pause for Enter on console 
after running)
         [--WHEATSTONE]                            (Generate 2-level Morse tape 
with USN Wheatstone coding (15/32 inch wide))
         [--WHIRLWIND]                             (Generate 7-level MIT 
Whirlwind (7/8 inch wide))


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