
I've got Sun Fire V100 that I'm pretty sure at some point in time
actually worked, since I loaded the board with the maximum amount
of memory supported (2G).

Now, however, when powering on, the LOM comes up but upon issuing the
poweron command the main CPU apparently doesn't, all I get is either
 1. print_message: Wrong message ID
 2. or continuous scrolling of what look like blocks of register dumps

I can reliably get effect 1, but the effect 2 is not easy to reproduce.
The memory itself seems ok - transplanted it into a known good V100
board and that booted up to readiness (no OS installed yet), included
full memory init. Just on general principle (i.e. try the obvious things
first) I also retried with known good PSU, same result.

There are no obvious signs of trouble (e.g. bulked up or leaky
electrolytic capacitors, scorch marks).

Any ideas what that message wants to tell me?

Full bootup transcript below, note the fan failure is due to this being
run as a naked board removed from the case, so the case fans are 'missing'.

-------------------------- cute here for new monitor --------------------
LOMlite starting up.

CPU type: H8/3437S, mode 3
Ram-test: 2048 bytes OK
Initialising i2c bus: OK
Searching for EEPROMs: 50(cfg)
I2c eeprom @50: OK
i2c bus speed code 01... OK
Probing for lm80s: none
Probing for lm75s: 48
Initialising lm75 @48: OK
System functions: PSUs fans breakers rails gpio temps host CLI ebus clock
Power restored

LOMlite console
LOM event: +0h0m0s LOM booted
LOM event: +0h0m0s host power on
LOM event: +0h0m7s Fan 1 FATAL FAULT: failed 0%

LOM event: +0h0m7s Fault LED 3Hz
print_message: Wrong message ID 
LOM event: +0h0m50s host power off
LOM event: +0h0m55s host power on
LOM event: +0h0m56s Fan 1 recovered

LOM event: +0h1m2s Fan 1 FATAL FAULT: failed 0%
print_message: Wrong message ID
-------------------------- cute here for new monitor --------------------

Kind regards,
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and
 looks like work."                                      -- Thomas A. Edison

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