On Thu, Dec 22, 2022 at 11:49 AM steve shumaker via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> No kidding!   It has been a while.  I've pretty much been lurking
> without much to say here since I lost all my toys in the fires two years
> ago.   Managed to replace a couple Heathkit units since then but with
> prices what they are, it'll never be what it was.

Whaaaaat?  I'll e-mail you privately.

> I did score a PET 2001-8 that seems complete to include the keyboard
> (with keys missing).  Been watching EBay for parts boxes but even those
> are usually serious money now. I'll keep watching though! I was hoping
> someone had already put some effort into 3d printing the keys as a
> solution - figured someone here would know about if it was done.  Mike
> Stein pointed me at a complete set of replacement labels for the key
> tops so that's start.

Ask on the VCFed forums about 3D printed keycaps.  I'm guessing someone has
surely done that by now.  If not, you can probably find someone who can and

As far as PET 2001 prices, they're still lower than I think they should be
but they're definitely climbing.  You bought that one from me way back when
for a good price.  Sad to hear it is no longer.

I sold one earlier in the year that had been heavily modified into a
portable unit but I hope it didn't get parted out (however I think that's
why the guy bought it).  It was an interesting unit.  In fact, I'll contact
that buyer and see if he did end up disassembling it.  If he did, maybe he
has some extra keycaps for you.


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