I don't normally beg for help, but I'm going to beg for help, because this
would be really useful if I could get it to work.

This guy:

TURBO PASCAL (mark-ogden.uk)

Has posted .MAC files that supposedly build a command line version of Turbo
Pascal that lacks the editor, which would be really nice as I use RunCPM
and an external editor to work on Turbo Pascal 3 for CP/M

I've tried building and linking this with M80 and L80, and it doesn't seem
to work.

I really don't remember what I'm doing with these tools, which I haven't
used for 30 years.  More probably.  I'm not sure if the author is even
still alive, and I have no contact details for him...as this is a mirror of
an old page.

Anyone got any ideas?  I'll buy you a beer if you meet me someplace in


Mark (aka John)

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