I'd like to get an ISA based transputer card.   Something with multiple
cpus (so not the B004).

A B008 or one of the clones that accepts multiple TRAM modules would be
ideal (https://www.geekdot.com/inmos-b008)

It doesn't have to be TRAM.  I saw this multi-cpu board on ebay.ie but a)
it's more than I was hoping to spend b) I can't find any info on it.
Whatever I get I want there to be reasonable docs and archived
software:       https://www.ebay.ie/itm/234283597489

Suggestions on what to look for welcomed.  I'm in no rush and good things
come to those who wait.  I'm in the USA but have family in the UK and go
there often so I'm looking on ebay.co.uk


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