Bitsavers has some manuals for 1630 and 1650. Maybe those will give you enough 
info to be useful?

Sent from my Dec Alphastation 200

> On Nov 7, 2024, at 13:49, Sytse van Slooten via cctalk 
> <> wrote:
> Yeah I saw that, but I'm a bit reluctant to blindly pay USD 50 for something 
> that might not even have any detail on what I'm looking for. After all, I 
> don't need a full manual, and certainly not a collector-worthy copy. I just 
> need this specific information.
>> On 7 Nov 2024, at 22:30, Wayne S <> wrote:
>> There are some available on ebay. Just search “hp 2640b”
>> Sent from my Dec Alphastation 200.
>>>> On Nov 7, 2024, at 11:41, Sytse van Slooten via cctalk 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have a HP 1640B that I'm trying to get to work. However I can't find any 
>>> information about it, and while the machine itself it straightforward 
>>> enough (and I remember enough from when I was using it in my first dayjob) 
>>> I can not find anything about how to use the GPIB interface that it has.
>>> The reason I'm interested is, we've finally managed to add GPIB support to 
>>> the PDP2011-MINC fpga implementation, and I'd like to test against a 
>>> different target than the relatively modern Philips/Fluke counter I'm now 
>>> using. And the 1640B is the only other GPIB instrument I have...
>>> The HP doesn't seem to know the ID? command (that causes an error message 
>>> on the screen). It does respond to a newline (the standard 
>>> is-this-listener-present test that the MINC code implements), so at least 
>>> something is working.
>>> Does anyone here have any docs on the HP 1640B? It'd be very helpful at 
>>> least to know which GPIB commands are implemented.
>>> thanks in advance!
>>> Sytse

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