Jon Trulson <> writes:

> Well, then we need to deterimine whether CDE can be made to work with
> the installed Motif.  I'd *really* prefer if users did not have to
> build their own Motifs...
> Doing a "git grep XmeXpm" in CDE shows the following usages:
> cde/lib/DtSvc/DtXpm/xpm.c:    return
> XmeXpmCreatePixmapFromData(display, d, data,
> cde/lib/DtSvc/DtXpm/xpm.c:    return XmeXpmReadFileToPixmap(display,
> d, filename,
> cde/lib/DtSvc/DtXpm/xpm.c:    return
> XmeXpmWriteFileFromPixmap(display, filename,
> cde/lib/DtSvc/DtXpm/xpm.c:    return XmeXpmReadFileToImage(display,
> filename,
> cde/lib/DtSvc/DtXpm/xpm.c:    return XmeXpmWriteFileFromImage(display,
> filename,
> cde/lib/DtSvc/DtXpm/xpm.c:    XmeXpmFreeAttributes(attributes);
> cde/programs/dtinfo/dtinfo/src/Other/WindowSystemMotif.C:
> XmeXpmCreatePixmapFromData(f_display,
> cde/programs/dtinfo/dtinfo/src/Other/WindowSystemMotif.C:      int
> status = XmeXpmCreatePixmapFromData(f_display,
> cde/programs/dtinfo/dtinfo/src/Other/WindowSystemMotif.C:  status =
> XmeXpmReadFileToPixmap (f_display, XtWindow ((Widget)toplevel()),
> So - one option (as a test) is to change all of these to be just
> "Xpm*" instead of "XmeXpm*"  and see if things will link then...

I did this and a few more things, and the xpm stuff seems to be coming
up clean (I can't get a full build yet due to other issues).  At least
for this issue, the correct thing is to have CDE link against real xpm
instead of the fake xpm in motif.

> I don't know when this was changed in Motif, but perhaps it's CDE that
> can be fixed to work on all shipping (and at least pseudo-modern)
> Motifs.

According to that link some messages back, the Xme stuff is a 'private
copy' of xpm inside motif (maybe XmeXpm is X motif emulated XPM or
somesuch?).  Sun allegedly started shipping xpm itself in solaris 2.9, and
dropped the motif emulation of xpm after solaris 2.10.  I have no idea
what motif was doing on other platforms.  The relevant code locations in
CDE all say the XpmP wrapper stuff is for legacy support.  We can
probably safely drop it and use system xpm.

> Do you know if the Motif that ships with your OS is at least 2.1.30
> compatible?

I'm uncertain, and not sure how to find out.

Sun IPS version numbers were often unhelpful. Xm.h comment header claims
'version 1.13, last updated 02/07/15' --- but I don't think that date
can possibly mean 2015, nor do I beleive this motif is less than 2.0
(which was released 1994; even Solaris 2.10 was 2005 already).

Here's an interesting tidbit:

"It is said the motif version needed for building this opensourced CDE
is at least 2.1.30, but the motif shipped in Solaris 11 seems only
2.1.0. Currently openmotif does not allow installation on proprietary
OSes, so I'm afraid there's no way on Solaris 11. Maybe you can try
building on illumos."


So, maybe it's 2.1.0.  *shrug*

> I suppose if we can't figure out how to get this working, we can just
> require people to build Motif on illuminos and go from there...
> -jon

It's missing (required) IconButtonP.h... I wonder what else it is missing.  A 
things like this could probably be worked around, but if it's a lot...

-- Matthew R. Trower

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