I know that SparkyLinux, a Debian derivative, has a CDE desktop


but I haven't tried it, and I am unsure about its quality.

There are precompiled packages by David Cantrell for RHEL/CentOS/Fedora/Scientific Linux at


I have tried them on Scientific Linux 6 and 7, and they worked well. But some configuration was needed

to open pdf files from the filemanager etc...

It may be possible to adapt David Cantrell's spec to other RPM based Linux distributions (Mageia, PCLinuxOS, OpenSuse etc...) and compile RPMs for them.

For Debian based, neither CDEbian nor SparkyLinux have released files to generate .deb packages

as far as I know.

Le 09/01/2019 à 04:00, Henry Bonath a écrit :
There used to be a Distro someone made called "CDEbian" but a quick Google search shows that it's no longer available. I'm not aware of any OS that currently has CDE packaged and included, but someone else on this list may be more informed than I.

I can definitely attest to the Raspberry Pi 3, as I have one sitting on my desk right now with CDE on it. It's been running this way for a couple of months, but if I recall, the compile time was a bit long, but it's actually pretty snappy to use.

The guys on the team here have integrated several apps into the UI which have built-in icons, etc.

I know a packaged install is "easier" however I will say that the compile instructions on the Wiki page are pretty easy to follow, and have worked for me pretty well on both Linux and OpenBSD, which I have built many times on various systems.

Hope this helps!

On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 4:53 PM Swift Griggs <swiftgri...@gmail.com <mailto:swiftgri...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Does anyone know of any OS distro that's got CDE setup in a "curated"
    package? I had someone ask/show-interest in using CDE for a student
    computer lab. They were asking for a "timeless" interface, and I
    them CDE.

    What I'm thinking of when I say curated is *ideally* (not
    demanding just
    wishing) something along the lines of:

    * Already compiled
    * Packaged
    * No font mismatch issues
    * Already setup for UTF-8 (if that's done already)
    * File manager works
    * Any background daemons or inetd stuff is integrated well
    * Any menus or icons pre-loaded for other apps would be excellent
    * Any kind of polish like new desktop patterns or backgrounds ++good

    .... again just a wish list.

    Ie.. something like Solaris used to ship with but these days I'd
    think we
    could do even better. I haven't looked at things like Illumos or some
    other distros that have CDE packaged. I just wonder who's got the
    integration and features for CDE currently and if anyone has gone
    extra mile" to make it extra slick or functional in their OS/distro.

    Also, I remember there was some CDE environment I used which had a
    keystroke editor. Ie... it allowed me to change the setup for
    things like
    virtual-desktop keystroke-switching without looking up or
    memorizing some
    config file format somewhere to do it. Do any of you remember what
    might have been. I've used every OS known to $diety and man and I
    remember now which one had that.

    I'm also curious if anyone uses CDE on an RPI3 and what that's like
    performance-wise compared with the LXDE that comes with Raspian etc..


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