Hey, my name is Mark Holfelder, and I'm working with the Bernstein group 
at Colorado State University on structure elucidation of some new 
Aluminium-Carbon clusters we've developed. As these are completely new 
substances, nothing is known about them except molecular formulae 
derived from Mass Spec data. So, I'm implementing a simulated annealing 
algorithm (Similar to the SENECA program, but unable to use Faulon's 
equations on bonds) to deduce the lowest energy structures. The 
algorithm is complete, but I'm currently using randomly generated 
coordinates to feed into Gaussian, the program we use for energy 
calculations. The random coordinates cause Gaussian to not converge when 
performing an RHF calculation, while using a Molecular Mechanics force 
field doesn't give good enough results.
My first try was to use the ModelBuilder3D provided, but it fails as in 
the stack trace below.
I've also tried using the StructureDiagramGenerator to generate 2D 
coordinates and just use a random z element, but it throws 
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions occasionally, with the stack trace as 
below. The exception is not thrown every time the 
StructureDiagramGenerator is run.
SimulatedAnnealer and runner are both my programs. Is there something 
that would cause these problems in the way that I'm building the 
molecule? I can attach my code if necessary. Also, failing something 
obvious that I should be doing and am not, are you aware of any 
heuristics that I could use to quickly generate rough 3D coordinates for 
my molecules? Thank you for your time.

For ModelBuilder3D:
Could not final configure atom 2 due to 
org.openscience.cdk.exception.NoSuchAtomTypeException: Atom is unkown: 
Symbol:Al does not MATCH AtomType. HoseCode:Al-3;AlCC(&&,&,&&,&//)
org.openscience.cdk.exception.CDKException: Could not final configure 
atom due to problems with force field
     at SimulatedAnnealer.cost(SimulatedAnnealer.java:377)
     at SimulatedAnnealer.anneal(SimulatedAnnealer.java:72)
     at runner.main(runner.java:33)
Caused by: org.openscience.cdk.exception.NoSuchAtomTypeException: Atom 
is unkown: Symbol:Al does not MATCH AtomType. 
     ... 4 more
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
     at SimulatedAnnealer.cost(SimulatedAnnealer.java:397)
     at SimulatedAnnealer.anneal(SimulatedAnnealer.java:72)
     at runner.main(runner.java:33)

For StructureDiagramGenerator:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
     at org.openscience.cdk.AtomContainer.getAtom(AtomContainer.java:289)
     at org.openscience.cdk.AtomContainer.clone(AtomContainer.java:1596)
     at org.openscience.cdk.Molecule.clone(Molecule.java:105)
     at SimulatedAnnealer.cost(SimulatedAnnealer.java:369)
     at SimulatedAnnealer.anneal(SimulatedAnnealer.java:81)
     at runner.main(runner.java:33)

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