V ne, 11. 04. 2004 v 13:47, Joerg Schilling píše:

> If you need information about FreeBSD kernel bugs, ask the
> FreeBSD kernel team!
> You definitely need to replace your kernel with a working one!

There was a deficiency in kernel that it does not provided sense codes
automatically, as required by specifications. This problem was fixed in
CVS, but 5.2 and 5.2.1 releases does contain this problem.

dvd+rw-tools were teached to obtain sense information from kernel
manually, so they fully work on 5.2.1. cdrecord relies on working
autosense and thus don't work on 5.2.1.

The help here is not easy. I'd suggest you to upgrade to -CURRENT, if
you're ready to face all the possible problem of running CVS code.
Other posibilities are running FreeBSD 4.x or avoid using cdrecord.

Pav Lucistnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

God is real unless declared integer.

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