- reboot the system;
- put 16x media in unit and collect 'dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/cdrom verbose' output;
- perform 8x recording;
- put another 16x media in unit and collect another
/dev/cdrom verbose' output;

Send both to me.

Here attached there are the two outputs.
Hope they can be useful.

It sound like firmware bug...


INQUIRY:                [PLEXTOR ][DVDR   PX-716A  ][1.09]
 Current Write Speed:   16.0x1385=22160KB/s
 Write Speed #0:        16.0x1385=22160KB/s
 Write Speed #1:        12.0x1385=16620KB/s
 Write Speed #2:        8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #3:        6.0x1385=8310KB/s
 Write Speed #4:        4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Performance:     6.0x1385=8310KB/[EMAIL PROTECTED] -> 
16.0x1385=22160KB/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Speed Descriptor#0:    02/2295104 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s
 Speed Descriptor#1:    02/2295104 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s
 Speed Descriptor#2:    02/2295104 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s
 Speed Descriptor#3:    02/2295104 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s
 Speed Descriptor#4:    02/2295104 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s


INQUIRY:                [PLEXTOR ][DVDR   PX-716A  ][1.09]
 Current Write Speed:   8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #0:        16.0x1385=22160KB/s
 Write Speed #1:        12.0x1385=16620KB/s
 Write Speed #2:        8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #3:        6.0x1385=8310KB/s
 Write Speed #4:        4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Performance:     6.0x1385=8310KB/[EMAIL PROTECTED] -> 
16.0x1385=22160KB/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Speed Descriptor#0:    02/2295104 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s
 Speed Descriptor#1:    02/2295104 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s
 Speed Descriptor#2:    02/2295104 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s
 Speed Descriptor#3:    02/2295104 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s
 Speed Descriptor#4:    02/2295104 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s

Note that "GET CURRENT PERFORMANCE" returns 16x in both cases, while "Current Write Speed" is 8x in second case. The value obtained by "GET CURRENT PERFORMANCE," "Write Performance" is commonly controlled by "SET STREAMING" command, while "Current Write Speed" [exposed through "page 2A"] - by "SET CD SPEED" command. Now, specification says that DVD recording speed shall be controlled by "SET STREAMING," while "SET CD SPEED" [as well as "page 2A"] is retained for legacy CD recording [and other] software. In other words new software is *expected* to use "SET STREAMING" unit is *expected* to respect it. Some units even don't expose DVD recording velocities through "page 2A," and any attempt to change its values has *no* effect on DVD recordings. Nor should it have according to specification! And your firmware seems to violate this clause by favoring "Current Write Speed"... File bug report to Plextor...

Try if attached snippet can reset "Current Write Speed" to 16x. Save it to dvd+rw-tools source directory and compile with 'g++ resetspeed.cpp'. What it does is send "restore all defaults" to unit, though through "SET STREAMING" command. A.

#include "transport.hxx"

main(int argc,char *argv[])
{ Scsi_Command	cmd;
  unsigned char pd[28];
  int		err;

    if (argc<2)
	fprintf (stderr,"usage: %s /dev/dvd\n",argv[0]),

    if (!cmd.associate (argv[1]))
	fprintf (stderr,"%s: unable to open: ",argv[1]), perror (NULL),

    pd[0]=4;		// RDD

    cmd[0]=0xB6;	// SET STREAMING
    if ((err=cmd.transport (WRITE,pd,sizeof(pd))))
	sperror ("SET STREAMING",err),

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