Hmm scrap that, haven't read the other 'Concerning the CellML
repository' emails yet. Tommy just said that variants are getting

James Lawson wrote:
> My $0.02 on this is (please forgive me if I get some of the technical
> stuff mixed up):
> The current naming scheme is as it translates to the web address is:
> author(s)_date_versionXX_variantXX
> I think it should be author(s)_date_variantXX_versionXX instead, since
> IMO, one should be thinking in terms of versions of variants, rather
> than variants of versions.
> Also, I think that if there were perhaps some metadata that could
> pertain to what version and variant a cellml file is, and also some
> 'sub'metadata under variant to say what the variant represents, whether
> it's a particular cell type or what.
> I realise that metadata isn't supposed to be added to a model for the
> sake of a repository or for any non-generalised purpose, but I think
> that version/variant metadata would be useful.
> E.g. for 1.1 models, a simulator could pick this metadata up. So you
> could bring up window in which the software could tell you that, for
> example, you are embedding this version of this markov model of an
> L-type Ca++ channel, by such and such et al., into a variant 02 -
> "epicardial cell" Pandit et al. cardiac cell model, etc. etc.
> Another example would be working with CellML 1.1 models in an era where
> we have a library of components that people can use. We might have a
> GPCR component which has a large number of variants, and it would be
> crucial for the simulation/editing programs like PCEnv to know, and be
> able to tell the user, which version and variant of each component they
> are using. People might want to swap in different variants to see how if
> affects their model etc.
> And of course this version/variant metadata would obviously be highly
> useful (IMO) for the repository. Maybe subversion could automatically
> write this metadata.
>  What I'm really trying to say is that I think there is justification
> for version/variant information to be stored in metadata as well as the
> URI naming scheme, since, unless I'm missing something, there is useful
> information (both for repositories and simulator software) that can't be
>  stored in the URI.
> James
>>> - Version/Variant
>>> It already clogged up the system.  There is no proper revision control 
>>> mechanism, what we have now is an ad-hoc emulated system.
>> I don't think it has clogged the system I just think it has been
>> improperly used both by authors and by the user interface. 
> Ideally the users and authors shouldn't be presented the option to make
> mistakes like this, should they? Most people, I would imagine, don't
> care about the versions of a model unless they are actually working
> on/with it.
> This is no
>> fault of the authors, there is simply a specification for versioning
>> that is missing. The hope is that subversion applies well to this.
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