> >>> Depending on the end-user, it could be a, b and/or c, as well as
> the
> >> fact
> >>> that apart from PCEnv, no other CellML-capable software that I am
> >> aware of
> >>> can deal with CellML 1.1 models. This emphasises my view that we
> have
> >> to
> >>> make the CellML API easy to use and provide several examples of its
> >> use.
> >>
> >> http://cellml.sourceforge.net :-)
> >
> > That is a good start indeed. Now, I am waiting for you to write the
> > documentation... :)
> I was actually trying to get CellML2Dot running. I didn't try very
> hard... It's in the cellml-discussion archives (or if not the
> team-cellml, but I think the former.)
> It would definitely be cool to get some basic documentation for these
> tools. If you have a go at installing CellML2Dot in Linux Alan, let me
> know. I'd like to see Andre's simulator too. How does it differ from
> PCEnv or COR Andre?

Documentation is a big issue when it comes to academic tools. To my
experience, only a tiny proportion of those tools offer adequate
documentation (and I am ashamed to say that COR is not in that tiny
proportion). The reason is well known: even though things are starting to
change (e.g. with our COR grant), funding bodies don't usually value
software development very highly, hence they have to be developed as part of
another research project (or even during someone's free time!), meaning that
documentation is usually left aside (no time left for it!).

Hopefully, with the FP7 NoE and other ongoing projects, things will change
(it is, at least, very high on the Oxford agenda). We certainly do need to
do something about it, otherwise people may simply not bother using our


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