More generally I think this issue is tapping on the bigger issue of a
core modelling language and specification, and then special use cases,
of which biological modelling would be a particular case of.

Without reactions, we pretty much have that core language.

My inclination is that biological modelling is a specification of
minimum required annotation of mathematical models using the 'core'

Poul's turn.

On 7/20/07, James Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Nickerson wrote:
> > Matt wrote:
> >>> It seems there is some misunderstanding as to whether we are discussing
> >>> a proposal to remove the reaction element from CellML or a proposed new
> >>> specification. I thought it was the latter but you seem to be talking
> >>> about the former...
> >>
> >> Both. I think.
> >>
> >> So I will try another explanation.
> >>
> >> If we had our specification in a version control system and tagged out
> >> releases and release candidates etc, and if we followed a protocol of
> >> releasing at least one stable minor release that marks depreciation
> >> only, then the following would be the result (in my mind)
> >>
> >> - The current trunk is the development version of cellml 1.2 (i.e.
> >> unreleased-dev).
> >> - This current trunk look likes CellML 1.1 and the associated
> >> definitions in DTDs etc.
> >> - We update this to mark out that reaction elements are going to be
> >> depreciated, this includes comments in DTDs etc. We don't remove
> >> reaction elements from the specification at this stage because that's
> >> where we hang the depreciation notices.
> >> - We tag this as 1.1.1 and release it
> >> - We then delete reaction elements from the specification that is on trunk.
> >>
> >> Now, this is the kind of process I think covers the steps you have
> >> been talking about and at the end makes available a trunk version of
> >> 1.2-dev-unreleased that doesn't have reaction elements that people can
> >> check out an play with (this is essentially the proposal page the
> >> Andrew wrote up - though I think there are issues remaining now with
> >> the absence of biology from a "Cell" ML standard.
> >
> > yep - thats how I would see the specification evolving over time,
> > subject, of course, to the various proposals being accepted and assigned
> > to an appropriate version.
> >
> > I think the absence of biology from the core specification is probably a
> > good thing,
> It might be worth adding an editorial comment or similar to note that
> the metadata is where the vast majority of biological information is
> defined.
> but there needs to be clear annotation of the specification
> > describing how reactions should now be represented in a world without
> > reactions - another best practice recommendation and examples in the
> > model repository at the least, I would hope.
> Yep, the 'signal transduction' tutorial will no longer be needed, since
> its main purpose is to describe the best practice for use of reaction
> elements to describe biochemical pathways. The question will be, do we
> just remove it, or do we create a new tutorial that is biochem specific,
> but doesn't talk about reaction elements. For example, there are two
> main ways to code up a biochem model: either you can use equations that
> describe, for example, the rate of change of conc. of species A, where
> species A might have a few different processes acting on it, so this
> equation would be a summation of the effect of these processes, OR, you
> can split the equation into 'fluxes,' which represent just the effect of
> one process on a species at a time. I think it would be worth writing a
> best practice guide for writing biochem models, even if it is relatively
> short, since there are a few things that are different from how an ephys
> model should be coded up.
> >
> >> But what I am also saying is that this is still just an idea, so it
> >> should be put forward as a proposal that has not been accepted. I.e.
> >> that the steps I described above are purely hypothetical at the
> >> moment, since we haven't had the chance to hear arguments from people
> >> about it - it might turn out to be a silly proposal.
> >
> > definitely. Your steps describe the process for how the specification
> > may be updated, developed, etc., but each release will be the result of
> > a set of proposals being accepted and assigned to that particular release.
> >
> > this is why the proposal to remove the reaction element should have
> > first been put forward independently of any specific future version of
> > CellML.
> Perhaps we could start by formalising the actual proposal to get rid of
> the rxn element. Why are we doing it? How will we replace the purpose it
> served, using metadata for example? I realise that this has been
> discussed a lot in an informal manner, and was in fact decided well
> before my time, but I guess if we're going to do something as major as
> create a new spec version, we should build the foundations first.
> In this discussion forum we could then debate the merits of this
> > proposal and, if deemed suitable, develop a schedule for the
> > implementation of the proposal (i.e., mark reaction element for
> > deprecation in 1.1.1 and then remove the reaction element in 1.2). Other
> > proposals would also be similarly evaluated and possibly assigned to the
> > same or different releases of the CellML specification.
> >
> > It definitely should not, at this stage, be a forgone conclusion that
> > the reaction element should be removed in 1.2 (or some specific future
> > version of CellML) - that is still open to discussion in my mind,
> It would be good to see a thorough list of pros and cons for the rxn
> element.
> If we do write a formal proposal, where should we put it? Perhaps send
> it out to cellml-discussion, as well as all the groups we know to be
> reliant on the spec for building tools, models etc.
> > especially in regard to the tools that are using to
> > import/export CellML models with their repository and any other tools
> > utilising the reaction element,
> We could provide them with a new translation tool if we were so
> inclined, couldn't we? But I see the issue here - if SBML has reactions
> and we don't, then the translation process will have to be reworked and
> re-evaluated.
>  of which I don't think anyone has yet
> > evaluated.
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