just a couple of points arising from these meeting minutes...

Any outcomes from the breakaway session discussing the "if and how" of 
creating an annotated or informative version of the normative 1.2 
specification draft?

Under the SBML to CellML conversion, I'm just wondering what 
implementations are being referred to as being in C++ and Java?

Generating Fortran code from the CellML model repository does little in 
the way of helping to get CellML models into CMISS. As well as the 
Fortran code needing to adhere to a internal cmiss interface in order to 
be usable as a USER_CELL routine (the presumable goal of this 
suggestion), there needs to be suitable input files (most notably the 
ipcell file) generated when using a USER_CELL model in cmiss. The 
current use of CellML within cmiss will allow the user to be prompted 
for the input file creation, but this does not apply to USER_CELL 
models. A more useful alternative might be to create a standard 
USER_CELL routine which can map the internal cmiss interface to that 
currently defined by the C code which the repository is already capable 
of generating, and then providing a simple little tool to generate 
ipcell files from the CellML code. There is no need to restrict the code 
being used in cmiss to Fortran.

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