Slight correction about the venue.

On 30 Jul 2010, at 17:21, Nicolas Le novère wrote:

> Announcing the:
> ###########################################################################
> #                                                                         #
> #                            First COMBINE meeting                        #
> #                                                                         #
> ###########################################################################
> Dear Colleagues,
> We are pleased to announce COMBINE 2010, that will take place at the
> Scottish Bioinformatics Forum in Edinburgh, Scotland, on Oct. 6–09, 2010

It will be hosted in the "Informatics Forum" a building that is part of the 
University of Edinburgh and home to the School of Informatics (more info @ FYI: The 
Scottish Bioinformatics Forum is an organisation that promotes Bioinformatics 
in Scotland.

> just before ICSB 2010.
> With COMBINE 2010, we are inaugurating a new, broader series of meetings to
> replace, among other events, the SBML and SBGN Fora or the BioPAX face to
> face meetings. The new meetings are a recognition of the fact that there
> are multiple allied standardization efforts that should work together
> towards smooth interoperability.  Moreover, we believe a joined meeting
> makes good economic sense: compared to multiple separate workshops, they
> reduce the overall number of meetings, travel, and money spent. To reflect
> this broad scope, we are calling the new workshop series ''COMBINE'':
> COMBINE: the COmputational Modeling in BIology NEtwork
> This first meeting will feature sessions about the following efforts:
> BioPAX, CellML, SBGN, SBML and SED-ML. In addition, sessions will be
> dedicated to interconversion (how to generate one format from another) and
> interoperability (i.e. how to make the formats work together). The
> afternoon of October 9 will be dedicated to a scientific meeting in
> celebration of the 10th anniversary of SBML. A more detailed agenda will be
> announced later. The activities at COMBINE will be similar to typical
> workshops, with oral and poster presentations, break-out discussions, and
> more.
> You can find a webpage describing the meeting at
> ( being a temporary location before setting up an independent 
> website for the COMBINE and HARMONY meetings.).
> In order to be able to tune the agenda of COMBINE, we need you to register
> as soon as possible at:
> Nicolas Le Novere, on the behalf of the organizers.
> -- 
> Nicolas LE NOVERE, Computational Neurobiology, EMBL-EBI, Wellcome-Trust
> Genome Campus, Hinxton CB101SD UK, Mob:+447833147074, Tel:+441223494521
> Fax:468,Skype:n.lenovere,AIM:nlenovere, email)
>,, @lenovere
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The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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