HARMONY workshop - New York City,  April 18-22, 2011.

HARMONY 2011 (the HAckathon on Resources for MOdeliNg in biologY) will take place from April 18–22, at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York City, USA. HARMONY events are joint meetings between the developers of formats and related standards supporting computational modelling in biology. Contrary to the annual COMBINE meetings, HARMONY is not a general forum targeting the community of users at large, but rather a technical meeting aimed at developers of the standards and software implementing support for them.

Details of the meeting, location, agenda etc can be found here:

Please help us make the best possible arrangements for this meeting by registering as soon as you can. To do so, please fill out the following short questionnaire:

Best regards,
Nadia Anwar, on behalf of the organizers

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