---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Hucka <mhu...@caltech.edu>
Date: Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:24 AM
Subject: [sbml-discuss] Survey for dates of COMBINE 2012
To: SBML Discussion List <sbml-disc...@caltech.edu>


The third COMBINE forum, COMBINE 2012, is being planned as a satellite
workshop of the 13th ICSB in Toronto, Canada. The dates of ICSB will
be August 19-23, 2012. In order to choose the best possible dates for
COMBINE, we are running a survey of the COMBINE community. Please help
us by filling the very short survey form at this URL:


On behalf of the COMBINE coordinators:
Gary Bader
Mike Hucka
Nicolas Le Novère
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