Celtic and Old English Saints          21 October

* St. Fintan Munnu of Taghmon
* St. Tuda of Lindisfarne
* St. Wendelin of Tholey

St. Fintan Munnu, Abbot of Taghmon in Ireland
(Mundus, Finian, Fintan)
Died October 31, c. 635. Saint Finton, born into the noble Ui Niell clan,
forsook the world as a youth to become a monk first under Saint Comgall
(f.d. May 11), then under Saint Sinell at Cluain Inis, Ireland. After 18
years of monastic life, he left to become a monk for a time on Iona. On his
arrival in 597, he found that Saint Columba (f.d. June 9) had died (though
one tradition has him living at Iona or a daughter abbey at Kilmore until
Columba died). He was told by the new abbot, Baithene, that Columba had left
instructions that Finton not be admitted because his destiny was to found
another abbey.

Whether he returned to Ireland because his desired master had died, or
whether Columba actually left instructions, Finton returned to Ireland.
There he founded and became abbot of a monastery at Taghmon (Tech Munnu) in
County Wexford, which he developed into an outstanding monastery. He was a
firm supporter of the Celtic liturgical practices at the synod of Magh Lene
in 630 in opposition to Saint Laserian (f.d. April 18) and others.

Reputedly, Finton contracted leprosy in the later years of his life in
response to his prayers to add to his penitential practices. Finton Munnu
was mentioned in the "vitae" of Saint Canice (f.d. October 11), Mochua (f.d.
January 1), and Molua (f.d. August 4). Several churches in Scotland are
dedicated to Finton, which may be due to the work of his disciples rather
than his own evangelistic efforts (Attwater, Benedictines, Delaney, Farmer,
Husenbeth, Montague).

Troparion of St Fintan tone 8
As a disciple of Iona's founder,/ thou wast rooted firmly in the Faith and
the monastic disciplines,/ O Founder of Taghmon's Monastery, holy
Father Fintan,/ Righteous Ascetic and Champion of our Church./ As thou didst
defend the tradition of our Fathers in the Faith,/ defend us, O
Saint, from soul destroying innovations,/ that we stray not from the way of

St. Tuda of Lindisfarne, Abbot and Bishop
Died at Durham, 664. Although the Irish monk Tuda was a staunch adherent of
the Roman practices, including the Nicean computation of the
date for Easter, he succeeded Saint Colman (f.d. February 18) as
abbot-bishop of Lindisfarne, where the contrary view was held. In this
position he governed the entirety of Northumbria. Most of the Celtic usage
monks departed with Colman in 664, leaving Tuda to heal the wounds of
discord. Tuda signed the deed of dedication of the new Saint Peter's
Monastery in Mercia of which the Celtic-born Jaruman was bishop. Even though
Tuda, who died of the plague within the first year of his appointment, does
not seem to have enjoyed a public cultus, he is listed in some
martyrologies. It should be noted that Bede records his memory and that many
of the records of Lindisfarne were destroyed during the Viking invasions.
Tuda was buried in a church at Durham (Benedictines, D'Arcy, Farmer,

St. Wendelin of Tholey, Confessor
(Wendolinus, Wendel)
Died c. 607. Saint Wendelin's identity was nearly lost, although there were
17 towns in the U.S. in 1957 named after him. He was an Irish shepherd who
became famous for his sanctity, when settled along the Rhein following a
pilgrimage to Rome and began to evangelize the region.
A later legend makes him an Irish hermit, whose cell became the Benedictine
abbey of Tholey in the diocese of Treves (Trier), Germany. Or, is it a
legend? The Diocese of Trier records that he was an Irish saint.

It is said that so many miracles occurred at his death that a church was
built on the spot along the Nahe River to house his relics. The church still
survives. The 1370 stone sarcophagus, which was first used as a table to
hold the wooden shrine, and a representation of the saint from c. 1300
remain, still survive. (Benedictines, D'Arcy, Fitzpatrick, Kenney,

In art, his emblem is sheep, a dog, and a club. Sometimes there is a staff,
pouch, cup, and dog at his feet, at other times a long staff and a calf at
his feet. He is the patron of shepherds and peasants. He is invoked on
behalf of sick cattle (Roeder). The 14th-century image of Wendelin depicts
him as an Irish monk with a staff and Gospel, rather than as a shepherd

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