Celtic and Old English Saints           8 January

* St. Athelm of Canterbury
* St. Ergnad of Ulster
* St. Erhard of Ratisbon
* St. Pega of Peakirk
* St. Wulsin of Sherborne
* St. Albert of Cashel
* St. Nathalan of Aberdeenshire

St. Athelm (Atheim), Bishop
Died 923. Paternal uncle of Saint Dunstan, Athelm entered the abbey of
Glastonbury, became its abbot, and was appointed to be the first bishop
of Wells in Somerset. In 914 he was transferred to the see of Canterbury

St. Ergnad (Ercnact) of Ulster
Born in Ulster, Ireland in the 5th century. Ergnad is said to have
received the tonsure from Saint Patrick (Benedictines).

Troparion of St Ergnag tone 3
Turning thy back on the glamour of the world,/ O wise Father Ergnag,/
thou wast clothed as a monk, by Saint Patrick./ By fulfilling thy
obedience thou dost teach us the virtue of humility./ Wherefore, O
righteous one, pray that we may be granted grace to accept spiritual
guidance for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion of St Ergnag tone 8
Adornment of Ireland and joy of monastics,/ O Father Ergnag,/ thou didst
trample on the fiery passions which war against the soul./ O conqueror
of them all and champion of purity,/ we praise thee as is due,/ and in
thine honour,we sing Alleluia.

St. Erhard of Ratisbon (Regensburg), Bishop
(also known as Albert, Erhart)
Died c. 686. Erhard is described as another of the many Irish missionary
bishops who crossed over to the continent and evangelized Bavaria,
especially in the region around present-day Regensburg. Many miracles
are attributed to his prayers. Erhard is mentioned in still strong local
traditions. After his death a group of women formed into a religious
group called the Erardinonnen (the Nuns of Erhard), to pray perpetually
at his tomb in Regensburg, which they did until the Reformation
(Benedictines, Encyclopaedia, Montague). In art Saint Erhard is
portrayed as a bishop baptizing Saint Odilia, thereby restoring her
sight. He is venerated at Regensburg (Roeder).

St. Pega, Virgin
Born in Mercia, England; died in Rome, Italy, c. 719. Saint Pega, the
virgin sister of Saint Guthlac of Croyland, had her hermitage in the
Fens (Peakirk = Pega's church in Northhamptonshire) near that of her
brother. When he realised that his death was near (714), he invited her
to his funeral. In order to get there, Pega is said to have sailed down
the Welland, and cured a blind man from Wisbech en route. Guthlac
bequeathed to her his psalter and scourge, both of which she gave to the
monastery that grew up around his hermitage. After Guthlac's death, she
is said to have made a pilgrimage to Rome and to have died there.
Ordericus Vitalis claimed that her relics survived in an unnamed Roman
church in his day and that miracles occurred there (Attwater,
Benedictines, Colgrave, Farmer).

St. Wulsin of Sherborne, Bishop
(also known as Wulfsin, Wulfsige)
Died January 8, 1005. Saint Wulsin is described as "a loyal and trusty
monk whom Saint Dunstan loved like a son with pure affection." When
Dunstan restored Westminster Abbey, he appointed Wulsin superior there
(c. 960) and finally abbot in 980. In 992, Wulsin was consecrated bishop
of Sherborne, but he also continued to serve as abbot of Westminster.
The following year Bishop Wulsin introduced a monastic chapter within
his see. Wulsin rebuilt the church at Sherborne and improved its
endowment. He was a great Benedictine prelate even in that age of
distinguished monks.

Several pieces of correspondence with Wulsin are still extant. There is
a letter from the scholar Aelfric (then abbot of Cerne) introducing his
collection of canons for the instruction of priests. William of
Malmesbury records that Wulsin warned his monks that having the bishop
as their abbot would cause difficulty in the future.

Wulsin's pastoral staff and other pontificalia survived at Sherborne and
were notable for their simplicity, which matched his general austerity.
Another second-degree relic not mentioned by William of Malmesbury is
the famous Sherborne Pontifical, which belonged to him and is a rich
example of Winchester illumination. Wulsin's bodily remains, together
with those of Saint Juthwara, were translated to Sherborne c. 1050.
Wulsin is venerated at Sherborne, Westminster, Abbotsbury, and Worcester
(Benedictines, Farmer).

St. Albert, Bishop of Cashel, Ireland
He was a Bishop in Munster in the 8th.Century.

St. Nathalan, Bishop of Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Born of a noble family at the beginning of the 7th.C. on the East Coast
of Scotland. Nathalan decided to show his devotion to God by spending
his life cultivating the earth. As a result,he grew vegetables enough to
feed people in times of famine. He preserved Scotland from Pelagianism.
He resided at Tullicht, now in the Diocese of Aberdeen of which he
became Bishop. He built churches in Tullicht, Bothelim and Hill. He
reposed in the late 7th.C. and was buried in the Church at Tullicht. His
name appears in the Aberdeen Breviary.


Attwater, D. (1983). The Penguin Dictionary of Saints,
2nd edition, revised and updated by Catherine Rachel John.
New York: Penguin Books.

Benedictine Monks of St. Augustine Abbey, Ramsgate.
(1947). The Book of Saints. NY: Macmillan.

Encyclopaedia of Catholic Saints, October. (1966).
Philadelphia: Chilton Books.

Farmer, D. H. (1997). The Oxford Dictionary of Saints.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Montague, H. P. (1981). The Saints and Martyrs of Ireland.
Guildford: Billing & Sons.

Roeder, H. (1956). Saints and Their Attributes, Chicago: Henry

For All the Saints:

An Alphabetical Index of the Saints of the West

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