Celtic and Old English Saints          1 February

* St. Brigid of Kildare (see #1 and #3)
* St. Cinnia of Ulster
* St. Derlugdach of Kildare
* St. Crewenna
* St. Jarlath of Armagh
* St. Kinnia

Here are some online resources relating to the Life of St Brigid.
(this material collated by Brigid Ainley)

Ancient Lives

Vita I

ABSTRACT: Evidence is presented here for the orthographic, grammatical, and 
syntactical correctness and the computistic and architectonic competence of 
composition of Vita I sanctae Brigitae, its priority to and influence on the 
Vita II by Cogitosus of Kildare, and its authorship by Aileranus Sapiens, 
lector of Clonard, who died in 665.

An article by David Howlett from the online journal Chronicon:


Vita II (Cogitosus)

A modern English translation of the most famous of the ancient lives can be 
found here:


Bethu Brigte:

This is the life written in Irish:




Metrical Life of St Brigid by St Donatus of Fiesole

Prof Maire Herbert gives some Latin extracts from the life in verse by St 
Donatus and sets it in its historical context in her paper on The Legacy of the 
Irish Peregrini in Tuscany:


The Prologue to the Life by St Donatus was also translated by Margaret Stokes 
in her book 'Six Months in the Appenines' and can be found on pages 237-8.


Lawrence of Durham's Vita S. Brigidae

An analysis and comparison with other Vitae Brigidae. Lawrence of Durham was a 
12th century English monk. His life of St Brigid is one of the lesser-known 


On the Life of St Brigid (Leabhar Breac)

Middle-Irish homily translated by Whitley Stokes:


On the Life of St Brigid (Book of Lismore)

The Middle-Irish homily with some additional text


Modern Biographies
The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries produced a number of studies of St 
Brigid which reflect the contemporary cultural revival and the 'devotional 
revolution' within Irish Catholicism. Some of these can be found online:

1. The Life of St Bridget: "The Mary of Erin" The special patroness of the 
Dioceses of Kildare and Leighlin by an Irish priest.

Published in 1861, this pious work has a Novena to St Bridget as an appendix. 


2. Rev John O'Hanlon, Life of St. Brigid, virgin: first abbess of Kildare, 
special patroness of Kildare Diocese, and general patroness of Ireland (Dublin, 
1877), 218-220


The scans are rather faded and difficult to read in parts so it may be easier 
to consult volume 2 of the same author's Lives of the Irish saints where the 
text is reproduced.


3. J.A. Knowles, St Brigid, Patroness of Ireland (Dublin, 1907)

Issued to coincide with the centenary of the founding of the Brigidine order of 
nuns in Co.Carlow, this volume combines the life of their patroness with a 
history of  the order, a centenary ode and a prayer to St Brigid by Cardinal 


4. A book of saints and wonders put down here by Lady Gregory according to the 
old writings and the memory of the people (London, 1908)

'Brigit the Mary of the Gael' forms the first book of this collection.


5. St. Brigit: The Mary of the Gael by Hugh de Blacam

Extracted from the author's book The Saints of Ireland: The Life Stories of Ss 
Brigit and Columcille (1942)


Online Articles

There are innumerable webpages giving sketches of the life of St Brigid, but 
below is a small selection of more substantive articles. 

The Festival of Brigid the Holy Woman

Seamus O'Cathain examines the folk traditions surrounding the Feast of our 
national patroness.


The True Patron of Ireland:Saint Brigit and the Rise of Celtic Christianity
by Autumn Dolan
Departmental Honors Thesis,The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga,History.

Disappointingly simplistic account which reflects many of the myths of 'Celtic 


St. Brigit of Ireland: From Virgin Saint to Fertility Goddess

Lisa M.Bitel examines the relationship between the saint and the pagan goddess.


Brigit, Goddess, Saint, Holy Woman and bone of contention

Carole Cusack's take on the pagan goddess versus Christian saint debate. She 
argues for O'Cathain's use of the term 'Holy Woman'.


Brigit of Kildare, Golden Sparkling Flame: A Study in the Liminality of Women's 
Spiritual Power

Edward C. Sellner relates the life of St Brigid to the debate on the role of 
women in the modern western church.


There are also a couple of articles by Orthodox writers:

On Holiness, Authority, and St. Brigit of Kildare

Kyriaki Karidoyanes FitzGerald


A Gift of Hospitality - Saint Brigid, Abbess of Kildare

Mary Dugan Doss 


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