Celtic and Old English Saints          15 December

* St. Flann of Bangor
* St. Offa of Essex
* St. Nothelm of Canterbury

St. Florentius (Flann) of Bangor, Abbot
7th century. Abbot Saint Florentius governed Bangor Monastery in Ireland

St. Offa of Essex, King
Died c. 709. Saint Bede (f.d. May 25) recalls that Saint Offa, the son
of King Sighere of the East Saxons and Saint Osyth (f.d. October 7)
(which is interesting because she is recorded as a virgin), was a
loveable, handsome, and popular prince. He ascended to the throne about
707 and two years later left his wife and homeland to be tonsured at
Rome. He died as a monk very shortly thereafter. Although several
sources attest to his betrothal to Cyneswith, daughter of King Penda of
Mercia, it is chronologically impossible. It may also be the case that
he was forced to abdicate due to a palace revolt as often happened in
Britain and Gaul during this period (Farmer).

St. Nothelm, Archbishop of Canterbury, England,
Friend of Saint Bede

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