Celtic and Old English Saints          22 February

* St. Elwin of Cornwall
* Blessed John the Saxon

St. Elwin (Elwyn)
6th century. Saint Elwin may be the titular saint of Saint Allen's
Church in Cornwall.

He is said to have accompanied Saint Breaca (f.d.June 4) to Cornwall,
but the traditions are not entirely clear or consistent (Benedictines).

Troparion of St Elwin tone 1
Leaving thy native Ireland, thou didst labour for Christ/ in the
remoteness of Kernow,/ giving thyself up to ascetic struggles and
missionary journeyings,/ O Father Elwin./ Wherefore we pray for courage
and strength to emulate thy example/ for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion of St Elwin tone 6
Accompanied by the pious Breaca,/ thou didst go out to preach the Gospel
of Christ to those who were in darkness,/ therefore we glorify thee,
ever praying/ that our lives may also be spent in God-pleasing

Blessed John the Saxon, Monk
Born in Old Saxony, died 895. The French monk John was invited to
England by King Alfred to restore monastic learning and discipline after
the devastation of the Danish invaders. He was appointed abbot of
Athelingay. John worked zealously to attain the goals of the king. He is
considered a martyr because two French monks of his own community
murdered him one night (Benedictines).


Benedictine Monks of St. Augustine Abbey, Ramsgate.
(1947). The Book of Saints. NY: Macmillan.

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