
I did some more testing, and I am quite sure what happens is this:
- when a Gtalk contact goes either away or idle, they disappear from my contact list/go offline
- when they come back online this is not reflected in centerim for me
- I have to exit centerim and open it again for them to reappear
(not enough to disconnect from jab and reconnect)

In fact, I don't think I can see gtalk contacts with a status other than Online at all.

Arnt Jørgen

On Tue, 23 Feb 2010, Arnt Jørgen Lande wrote:

Hi again,

My idea was to try to correlate the debug log with the time when my Gtalk contact(s) started to appear offline, and I think I've found something:

the following shows in the log at the approximate time when I noticed one Gtalk contact disappeared: <presence from="<GMAIL-CONTACT>/Talk.v1047886A0F4" to="arnt.jorgen.la...@gmail.com"><show>away</show><priority>24</priority><c node="http://www.google.com/xmpp/client/caps"; ver="" ext="share-v1 voice-v1" xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/caps"/><x stamp="20100223T08:23:58" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/><status/><x xmlns="vcard-temp:x:update"><photo>e7677057d1ab98c8f4fe8589d98dcb9414cf5dcd</photo></x></presence>

In other words, his status was set to Away. Can you think of a reason that centerim won't handle the away/idle status correctly but instead show the contact as offline only for Gtalk accounts?

Arnt Jørgen

On Mon, 22 Feb 2010, Boris Petersen wrote:

start with -d the output is saved to ~/.centerim/debug

On 22.02.2010 18:21, Arnt Jørgen Lande wrote:
Hi again,

Is there some way to turn on extra debug logging for centerim so I can
troubleshoot the issue?

Arnt Jørgen

2010/2/19 Arnt Jørgen Lande <arnt.jorgen.la...@gmail.com>:

Thanks for the patch, but I have tested and unfortunately it does not help
(I used the .tar.gz that Boris was kind enough to provide).

Still my Gtalk users appear offline after just about 15 minutes. Even as I
am having a conversation, they can seem to fall out.

Like I mentioned, this problem occurs when I compile 4.22.9 on ARM, but not
when I compile exactly the same version and tarball on x86. The only
difference being that I specified the --enable-locales-fix to ./configure on
ARM, while I'm not sure if I did that on my x86 installation.

Another thing I came to think of, I was lazy enough to just copy the
.centerim directory to my ARM box so I didn't have to re-setup the IM
accounts (copied from x86). Could that have any impact?

Thanks for all help.

Arnt Jørgen

On Thu, 18 Feb 2010, Roger wrote:


I am having some trouble with gtalk in version 4.22.9 lately. What
happens is that, although the status for jab/gtalk shows as online all the
time, the contacts appear offline after some time.

 I'll try to get to it soon, it's bugging me as well.

 I've made a patch on Tuesday, tested it yesterday and it seems to help
(at least in my case). Please try if it helps you too -


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