
socket problems in my case were always caused by some network issue on my side. Most casual case was when i left some torrents running that would eat all the packets for themselves. Or when my ISP did some changes in the network and was too lazy to inform me in advance.

But it may signal some issue with the icq login server as well (wild guess i didn't study the source code as i'm not a programmer)


Quoting Tigran Zakoyan <>:

Hi everybody,

the subj presents the log output I keep to receive since last Friday.
Is that something around any new tricks by ICQ itself, or I need to
tale some care of myself?

Thanks to CIM team anyway; I would gladly participate in contributing
code, but my programming skills must have had got heavely degraded for
16 years I  am out of art of programming (.

Possibly I could be useful to the team by contributing some services
like VPS etc.? I have some free resources at a datacenter in Moscow.

Tigran Zakoyan.

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