On Sat, 14 Apr 2012, Boris Petersen wrote:

On 2012-04-14 13:35, Marcel Beringer wrote:

Changed it in putty to UTF-8, did not make any difference though :(

Kind regards,

Marcel Beringer

well judging from your other mail, your locale is UTF-8 so switching to
UTF-8 in putty should have helped you. Could you attach a screenshot, so
i can see what the "real" problem is. Is it just that the borders are
displayed in ascii charterers or is it scrambled?

The problem is solved, the ISP installed more locales and now the layout is fine again! :)

Thanks all for making replies.

Kind regards,

Marcel Beringer

On Sat, 14 Apr 2012, Milan Dvorak wrote:

OK, It also may be a problem with unicode/nonunicode characters. Try
changing it in putty: settings -> windows -> translation. In the box
you can switch between ISO-8859-1:1998 and UTF-8, depends on what
you're using now.

If this won't help, it's probably some issue on the server, but I
can't think of any other solution right now.


On 14.4.2012 12:53, Marcel Beringer wrote:

Hi Milan,

Thanks for your swift reply.

I'm still using the same client to connect to it, putty. I still have
access the upcoming days to the old server, when I connect to it
right now I have the nice looking layout when starting centerim.

When I connect to the new one (with the same ssh client) I see the
bad looking layout with centerim.

So I do not think it has anything to do with my client, putty?

Or do I have to ask the ISP to install another font package on the
server? (silly me perhaps, Unix is not my thing when installing stuff

Kind regards,


On Sat, 14 Apr 2012, Milan Dvorak wrote:


I had the same problem once. Changing the font in your console
should fix it.


On 14.4.2012 11:05, Marcel Beringer wrote:

Hi there,

Kudos for giving us centerim, best IM client ever!

My ISP made me move my shell account to another server, the weird
thing is that I do not like the centerim layout on the new server.

On the old server the centerim windows we're nicely connected by
straight lines, on the new server there are +- and ---- lines.

Maybe a stupid question, forgive me :) But how can I change this
dotted lines to neat straight lines again?

On both servers it's centerim 4.22.10

I hope someone knows a solution, have a good weekend all!

Kind regards,

Marcel Beringer

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