Strange. It works on my side. I can change the topic just fine.
Are you sending this text (without quotes) in #bac chat window?
"/quote topic #bac :#bac"

On Mon, 17 Jun 2013, Sébastien NOBILI wrote:


Le vendredi 14 juin 2013 à 22:42, kyak a écrit :
In centerim5, you join an IRC channel by choosing "Add chat" from
the main menu (assuming you have previously added the IRC account).

I'm still on CenterIM 4 (Debian Wheezy), compiled version 5 and had a look, it
seems great !

You then change the topic of this channel by writing to the channel:

/quote topic #some_channel 'my new topic'

Watch the quotes.

This way sends a tweet…

/quote topic #test :this is my topic

This one as well…

I recorded IRC packets, here is what is generated:

Join channel #bac (Baccalaureat is a French diploma, examination started today,
#bac hashtag is currently frequently used on Twitter) :
   JOIN #bac

Set channel topic:
   PRIVMSG #bac :/quote topic #bac :\#bac

It seems CenterIM is wrapping IRC commands into a "PRIVMSG", which explains why
the command ends-up as a tweet…


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