On 04/24/2009 08:25 PM, Sean Gilligan wrote:
> That's really cool! I'd love to help with testing and documentation. I'm
> also interested in sharing Cobbler configurations publicly, but I'm not
> sure what that entails.

There is a small app I wrote many years back to handle kickstarts, I am 
sure that could be expanded into something that can be used to share 
cobbler / puppet / kickstart configs. Something that should move up in 
the priority list for sure.

> I noticed this wiki page
> (http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreateLocalMirror) was recently added. I
> believe using Cobbler is a valid alternative approach for this, right?

not really - but there is a definite overlap in interest there. Cobbler 
uses reposync under the hood - which is something that should absolutely 
be on that page, since thats what it does.

Cobbler on the other hand is a much wider and a much more focused tool 
on provisioning, not so much about management and maintenance.

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/  : 2522...@icq
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