Am Donnerstag, den 11.06.2009, 16:01 +0200 schrieb Vladislav Rastrusny:
> Hello.
> With the help of the community I finished polishing the translation of
> my PHP script to Bash version
> It has now autodetection of architecture and CentOS version and handles 
> errors.
> I have published an article under my homepage here:
> Since no automated RPM to install RPMForge repo was added to native
> CentOS repositories, I think my article can be included to Tips &
> Tricks section. And, probably, linked from here:
> Manually performing all changes from here is a hard job ;)
> Please tell me, what should I improve in this article if anything?
> Best regards,
> Vladislav "FractalizeR" Rastrusny
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It would be much nicer if you could replace the "command ; if [ $? !=
0 ] then echo ...; exit 1; with a sub. So you could do
  command || _myexit "Comment"

You can als run all sed statements in a single sed call.

  sed -i -e 'replace1' -e 'replace2' -e 'replace3' <file>

If you want to massdeploy repositories you should also consider using
configuration management eg. cfengine, puppet, spacewalk. AG

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