Am Dienstag, den 15.09.2009, 09:21 +0200 schrieb Martin Boel,
> Hi
> Thanks for you reply. I guess this should be fixed i the next nagios package 
> or next centos version, but for now the public should
> be told about a workaround, that works with the current versions. There is 
> quite a lot of work hours in this simple workaround,
> and some people may simply give up using this fantastic software.
> Please grant me access.
> Regards
> Martin Boel

Ok just as i thought, your "solution" kind of works until someone does:

# restorecon -v /usr/bin/nagios
restorecon reset /usr/bin/nagios context

# /etc/init.d/nagios restart
Running configuration check... CONFIG ERROR!  Restart aborted.  Check
your Nagios configuration.

This context is set somewhere in centos-provided selinux configs. Not by

# grep -r nagios /etc/selinux/*

Gives a really long list affecting logfiles and plugins. So you solution
is not really failsafe. AG

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