Ned Slider wrote on 09/14/2009 01:23 PM:
> Do we need to decide what the official (or preferred) CentOS Way is for 
> this? Or do we just present all the options without prejudice?
> There are (to my knowledge) the Nvidia binary installer, dkms driver 
> from rpmforge, kmdl package from ATrpms, and a kmod driver from elrepo.
> I should probably declare a conflict of interests so I'll just ask the 
> question rather than providing opinion towards the answer :)

I'd say present all the options known to be viable, but perhaps not 
without prejudice.  Personally I'd recommend putting ElRepo at the top 
of the list, but then I haven't personally tested all the options.

Whoever creates the page gets to pontificate, but then nobody here is 
shy about tossing in opinions. :-)


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