Wiki Admins,

I will no longer be participating in the CentOS wiki. I've removed my
name from any of the pages that were submitted by me, and welcome others 
to do so with the pages as they wish.

I'd like to be removed from the EditGroup, as well as have my account

Username: MaxHetrick

Unfortunately, attitudes about what the wiki should be and currently 
are, and my own attitude about it, aren't aligned. The CentOS wiki 
should be a welcomed place for user contributed documentation, but as 
time goes on it seems as though that's not what many key people envision 
or want.

Attitudes of many CentOS persons have been leading to people leaving the 
community as of late. I'm certainly a peon, but that's not the point. 
The point is about attitudes. If attitudes don't start to change as a 
whole, no one will want to help out.

CentOS needs to clearly lay out more strict rules and guidelines for 
submissions in the future if they want more controlled content. I know 
for a fact there are many posts that aren't CentOS specific. Another 
guide I wrote for BackupPC is one such post. If these types of content 
aren't to be submitted by other contributors in the future, I suggest 
laying out some better steps to follow so people like myself know 
whether they can be useful to donate items or not.

I hope attitudes in the future start to change for the better.


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