On Mar 13, 2014 6:12 AM, "Jim Perrin" <jper...@centos.org> wrote:
> On 03/12/2014 09:39 AM, Tim Krupinski wrote:
> > Hey all -
> >
> > Just curious to find out if there's any activity with the documentation
> > SIG?  I'd like to join.  One thing i've noticed is that it seems like
> > documentation for CentOS ends at 5.  While the documentation is more or
> > less mirrored from RedHat's site, this can be confusing to beginners
> > they may get the impression that documentation isn't there.
> Most of the activity has been around things other than docs, but you do
> bring up a good point. We *need* to address this.
> With the 6.x documentation, there was a licensing change that
> complicates things for us. Changes to the documentation mean that you
> can't redistribute. Oracle appears to work around this by shipping the
> official pdf documentation.
> --
> Jim Perrin

Can you be more specific about this licencing change? As far as I've read
so far, RHEL7 guides are CC-BY-SA 3.0 -
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ - which makes them fair
game for adaptation and redistribution as long as you give attribution.

The docbook sources are a different issue, but IMO there's an argument to
be made for sharing them given the increased collaboration potential.

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