
Kunaal and I have completed a prototype of the first part of our GSoC project 
(implement a new doc toolchain). Our goal is to implement a doc toolchain for 
short how-to docs and lower the barrier for new comers to contribute.

This is the workflow of the prototype:
1. Contributor creates a new pull request on GitHub
2. A corresponding issue is automatically created on Pagure
3. Staff and contributor discuss on Pagure
4. When the pull request can be accepted, it is marked as “fixed”, and the pull 
request on github is automatically merged
5. New change is synced to Pagure (doc website will update according to Pagure 
repo, to be implemented later)

We have made a prototype performing the steps above, and is now running ;) Next 
we plan to integrate a CI so the doc can be built in real time and ready for 
staff to review. Could you please give us some suggestions about the workflow 
above and about the toolchain? The original GSoC idea can be found here: 

We use Pagure as a part of the toolchain. Pagure is an excellent git-centered 
forge created by Pierre-Yves Chibon <pin...@pingoured.fr 
<mailto:pin...@pingoured.fr>>. Currently Pagure is in its early stage and the 
APIs and web hooks are changing and improving. We are working closely with 
Pierre to better integrate Pagure into the toolchain. In the future we plan to 
sync complete pull request so that discussion can happen either on github or 
Paugre, and contributor doesn’t need to leave github in the whole process, 
which lowers the barrier of contributing a lot.

To test it, you may create a PR on github. A corresponding issue will be 
created automatically on Pagure, so you may go to Pagure.io to check it. If you 
want to merge the PR, change the status of issue from Open to Fixed on Pagure 
(need admin access to the repo, if you want to test this part, please email me 
or Kunaal <kunaa...@gmail.com <mailto:kunaa...@gmail.com>> so we can add you as 
admin). Once the issue is marked as Fixed, the PR on github will be merged.

GitHub repo link: https://github.com/yangl1996/doc-test 
Pagure repo link: https://pagure.io/docs-test <https://pagure.io/docs-test>

The syncing tool is a prototype and is a basic part of the toolchain. Please 
tell us what you think about the workflow, the syncing tool and the idea. Thank 
you in advance :)

Also, we are not very sure whether running a Pagure instance will add much 
workload to sys admin team. What’s your idea?



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