2009/12/12 Christopher G. Stach II <c...@ldsys.net>:
> ----- "Kenni Lund" <ke...@kelu.dk> wrote:
>> I'm also very interested in how to make backups of Windows guests on
>> LVM. But will the shadow copy feature in amanda not only backup the
>> files within the Windows machine? I don't think I fully understand
>> the
>> method - How do you then do a full restore, eg. with no working
>> Windows machine? Would you then have to do a clean install of Windows
>> in order to get the partition and bootloader setup correctly, after
>> which you can do the restore by overwriting all files?
> You can just shut down the VM, make a snapshot, start the VM, dd the 
> snapshot, and finally drop the snapshot.
> Or, if that's too much downtime, you can xm save, snapshot, copy save 
> dumpfile, xm restore, dd snapshot, backup dumpfile, and clean up.
> If that's too much downtime, you can xm pause, snapshot, xm unpause, etc., 
> but you will have issues with your restore because it will look like the VM 
> crashed and you may or may not lose data.

Yeah, that's the problem. AFAIK if I want to take advantage of using
LVM directly for Windows guests, I'll have to do a full dump with dd
of the image/snapshot, including any unused bits...eventually combined
with some compressing, but still. If I use a Linux filesystem on top
of LVM and store the Windows guest in an image on this filesystem, the
overall I/O performance will be lower, but I'll only have to backup
data which are actually in use, due to sparse mode and/or the qcow2
image format (I'm using KVM). This is quite relevant if some machines
have 200GB allocated HDD space, but only actively uses 30GB.

> Personally, I only back up data and never have useful data on a Windows 
> installation volume (or even a native Windows volume, if I can help it). I 
> can reimage a Windows machine with a single command and it only takes a few 
> minutes. (Hint: use Sysprep.) Besides, reinstalling Windows machines is 
> better than restoring them since they progressively bit rot.

I agree, I already have backups of the important data, but some of
these machines runs some old legacy software, which I for sure don't
want to setup again unless it's extremely critical. Also, what I want
is a minimal monthly full backup of each virtual machine, from which
any of my (less technical) colleagues can restore to another physical
server by following some simple guidelines.

I think I'll stick with the extra layers (filesystem+image) for now to
keep the setup simple and to keep the backups small. But thanks for
your input.

Best Regards
Kenni Lund
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