On Jun 9, 2013 1:29 AM, "aurfalien" <aurfal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran gemu-img on a VM thinking it was down but in fact it was live.
> I rebooted the VM and it does show the added space after running pv/lv
etc to resize the disk, also the KVM server if you will, also shows the
correct new size of that particular VMs raw file via du.
> However the virtual machine manager still shows the disk size of that VM
as being before the resize.
> Is there a way that I can fix this?
> Is this a benign discrepancy?
> Thanks in advance,
> - aurf
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In virt-manager open the storage view and manually refresh.  It should then
show the correct size.  Storage view I believe is under Edit -> Connection

Also you may want look at using the virt-resize command to combine the
steps of qemu-img and the LVM commands.  It can resize the virtual disk and
the guest's logical volumes in a single command.

- Trey
CentOS-virt mailing list

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