On Thu, 15 Aug 2013, gregg anderson wrote:
> We've been using CentOS 5 with Xen on our machines for a while now and have 
> really grown to appreciate it. The lack of Xen for Centos 6 is the
> reason we haven't upgraded yet, but with Xen4CentOS6 we have all the tools we 
> need. The concern some of are having is that when CentOS7 comes
> out, which will be probably less than a year, is that Xen support for CentOS6 
> will evaporate. I know this mailing list isn't where I should go
> for guaranties but are there any indicators that this project is going to 
> stick around or not?

I think there is no risk of Xen for CentOS6 "evaporating" any time soon,
no matter if CentOS7 is released or not.
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