On 09/03/2015 09:50 PM, Chuck Meade wrote:
Hi Thomas,
Hi Chuck

This may be old news at this point, but I had 100% identical behavior to yours 
when I tried virtx7-44-testing.
After looking around a bit I tried "virtx7-44-candidate", in a sibling 
directory to virtx7-44-testing.  It has a more
recent date, so I tried with that and it works fine.  It resolves the issues 
listed in your email from 7/7/2015.
Thanks for letting me know. I actually found the "candiate" packages to work too, when tried those some days after my email. However, nowadays I build my own Xen rpm's, based on the Fedora 21 source package. I modified the spec-file to properly build for CentOS 7 and adapted some of the patches of the Fedora source package.

To me, the advantage is proper systemd intergration. It has systemd unit files for all xen-related services. Likewise, I keep the version up to date to my taste, like running 4.4.3. My xen-packages work well for me and if anybody is interested, I can polish things up a bit, setup a repo and make them accessible.

I am now looking for a libvirt-daemon-xen package for Centos 7.  Any ideas on 
where that lives?
That question has already been answered in this thread.

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