On Sun, 2008-01-06 at 13:06 -0500, Mark Weaver wrote:
> Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> > It seems everybody already answered the first two points ...
> > Regarding the pptp vpn client, i've rebuilt the pptpconfig pptp client
> > (gtk interface) and all the deps and they are now also on
> > http://centos.karan.org/el5/extras/testing/i386/RPMS/ ...
> Hi Fabian,
> I've been trying to work through this for some hours now, including a 
> very valiant attempt at building the packages myself, with nothing to 
> show for my trouble, but a headache.
> I was finally able to get your repository working, but I'm running into 
> a problem:

The repository i pointed you to isn't my repository ... but sorry if i
pointed you to and that it didn't contain all the deps .. (i'll manage
with Karanbir to have all the deps there too ...)

> Error: Missing Dependency: php4-pcntl >= 4.3.9-2 is needed by package 
> pptpconfig
> Error: Missing Dependency: /bin/php4-pcntl is needed by package pptpconfig
> Error: Missing Dependency: php4-pcntl-gtk is needed by package pptpconfig
> I can't seem to find a package for "php4-pcntl" to save my life.
> Have any suggestions?

Yep, i built all these deps and you can find them on my 'little and
temp' repo : http://rpms.arrfab.net/centos/5/i386/repodata/ (see
http://rpms.arrfab.net to know how to use it )
I'm sure everything is there becausei needed it to connect to some
customers' networks that use that stupid and poor pptp/mppe
protocol .. ;-)
Fabian Arrotin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Solution ? 
echo '16i[q]sa[ln0=aln100%Pln100/snlbx]sbA0D4D465452snlbxq' | dc

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