On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 11:50 PM, Keith Keller
<kkel...@wombat.san-francisco.ca.us> wrote:
>> 1. See the systemd myths web page
>> http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/the-biggest-myths.html
> In the interest of full disclosure, that page is written by one of the
> primary authors of systemd, so we shouldn't expect an unbiased opinion.
> (Not saying it's wrong, only that it's important to understand the
> perspective an author might have.)

One thing that bothers me very much when reading that is the several
mentions of how you don't need to learn shell syntax as though that is
an advantage or as if the author didn't already know and use it
already.   As if he didn't understand that _every command you type at
the command line_ is shell syntax.   Or as if he thinks learning a
bunch of special-case language quirks is somehow better than one that
you can use in many other situations.  When you get something that
fundamental wrong it is hard to take the rest seriously.

  Les Mikesell
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